So here we all are in the frozen north! The gang made it up here to see Samuel and to celebrate Christmas. Here are pictures from the past week. We played music, went to North Pole, cooked, ate, and hiked around our village and tried not to get into too much trouble. This is Santa's house at North Pole. The town celebrates him year round, kinda like Leavenworth.

Hannah playin' the drums

Josh on the drums

Sam and Uncle Dan. Sam had a few issues with gas and would stop crying if Daniel held him.

Wandering around with Aunt Margaret. They were going to see the sights but he fell asleep....

Mom and Dad on Christmas Eve. Trying to get in one last feeding before the guests show up!

Me and Sam, he's having his Christmas Eve Dinner.

Sarah and Grace helping get dinner ready

This ice sculpture celebrates Alaska's 50th year as a state this year. The ice sculptor at North Pole did a great job!

At a Christmas shop in North Pole, Josh, Dad, and Margaret.

This is AK's idea of wall decor.....

We found the polar bear! Sarah and Grace with the bear in Santa's shop.

Eating at North Pole McDonald's. Even McDonald's is Christmas Themed.

Hannah and Margaret in the van on the way to North Pole.

The Tanana Valley between Fairbanks and Nenana, white with snow.
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