So here is Samuel, 3 1/2 months doing his favorite hobby: sleeping! He went to his 3 month check up this week and right before he got on the scale the nurse said that by 6 months he needs to have doubled his birth weight. He was 8lbs 1oz at birth and now he weighs 17lbs 1oz! The Dr. said she did not think failure to thrive would be a problem! I don't either!

Here he is in the bath, its his favorite thing in the whole world!

He was fussing in his playpen the other night and stopped to glare at the camera when he realized his picture was going to be taken.

Nana sent a jump up and we had to try it out. While he is still a little small for it, he loved to swing in it and found the edge quite yummy!

Here we are at the Dr.'s office 2 weeks ago. We all had colds so this was his first trip to see the PA-C. He was not thrilled to be naked and waiting so long. It all started when the nurse who weighed him was a fill in and not used to babies. She didn't put a sheet on the scale and the cold metal made him angry so he peed all over himself and her! I tried to warn her....

Here he is waiting to get his shots. He knows somethings coming and he is not happy about it! He may also think he looks like a girl in the sheet....overall, he was very unhappy with his experience that afternoon.

How many needles did you say????

He likes to ride on Jeremiah's shoulders and yesterday he started eating jer's hair!

Don't put me down, I'm not done!

Tastes like chicken!
Sorry it has taken so long to post, because of life circumstances things have been hectic and internet has been spotty. Ok, so here is the update on us, I'll give you the readers digest version. As some of you know the place where we have been working got new management in December. The new people were horrible and abused the kids and the staff. We turned them into the state. The state got mad, opened up an investigation, and when the district got in trouble they layed us off for "budget reasons". Sure. I don't think it was by chance that the day the state people came in person was the day they layed us off. Clearly they wanted us out so we would not talk to them. Too bad, we hung out and spoke our peace anyway! So currently we are in the midst of some legal proceedings and we have moved on to the upper floor of Jer's parents house while finding a place to live. We will ve visiting Wa in April for some much needed R&R and then back to the legal fight and job hunt we go!
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